Grabovoi Numbers – All You Should Know About

It is safe to assume that anyone that uses TikTok has heard of Grabovoi numbers by now. You can consider them the ‘cheat codes of the universe’ and they can be used to manifest money, love, health, healing, and pretty much anything else! They can be found in thousands of journals, books, websites, and programs. I will be writing a series of four articles about the Grabovoi, starting with the first one here. I would like to start by looking at the history of Grabovoi and its connection to creation stories around the world. After that, I would like to examine some of the key principles of the Grabovoi Code.

You will find that it is a bit of a rabbit hole once you get started on these. Researching these took me way more time than I would have liked to admit, but in the end, I got to pass this information on to you, so in the end, it was all worth it for me. As soon as I heard about this a couple weeks ago, I knew that I had to take a look at it before writing about it in a video or blog post.  Having said that, I took the plunge and have been using this cream for almost a month now. If you want to see a change in yourself, you should try it! It will do wonders for you.

Grabovoi Numbers


Perhaps you are wondering what Grabovoi numbers are and what they can do for you? It has been around for years and years – but they seem to be gaining traction and popularity now that TikTok has been introduced.  

To manifest and treat various life ailments, the Grabovoi codes rely on radionic signatures. 

Grigory Grabovoi, a (controversial) Russian psychic, developed them using his Radionic machine in the mid-1920’s.

In order to defend the theory, it is necessary to acknowledge that all people and life forms share a common ground – the electromagnetic field of the earth, which connects us all in some way. As a result of these numbers, the Universe can work within our system in order to manifest and heal. 

It is believed that because all living things have their own electromagnetic fields, if those fields are sufficiently damaged, it results in sickness, disease, and other ailments. It is said that since everything is made of energy, organs, ailment and their cures all have their own frequency and vibration.


Presented below are two 15 second videos that show my manifesting process using Grabovoi Numbers. I will then get into more detail regarding it.

Now that you have a basic understanding of what they are, let’s look at how you can use them to improve your business.

1. Make sure you journal about them. You can write down your manifestations in a manifesto journal and include the code somewhere on the same page as the manifestations. I would recommend you write your affirmation for the day at the top of the page and directly next to the affirmation you use every morning if you are using the Manifest + Flow journal. 

2. I recommend that you memorize them (repeat them in your mind when you wake up, before bedtime, and whenever you have the opportunity throughout the day).

3. It is imperative that you repeat an affirmation containing the code “I attract unexpected money by activating the code 520 741 8). 

4. The code must be written down, torn off the piece of paper, and placed under your pillow.

5. As you write the code down, hold it in your hands, palms facing up, and close your eyes. Visualize the manifestations happening before you. Repeat thank you, thank you, thank you.

I would like you to write the following script with the following intention: “I am attracting ___ into my life, and am activating the code _____ with no harm to me, for the greater good of all. Please thank me, thank you, thank you.”

7. Use crystals to manifest. For example, I have been manifesting with crystals for love and abundance (you can find the kit here). I write the code on a small piece of paper, then place the crystals on top in the palm of my hand. I close my eyes and visualize the code in my mind.

how to use Grabovoi Codes

Here is an example of how to use Grabovoi Codes (Cheat Codes of the Universe) and crystals for manifesting:

  1. For example, you can use 520 741 8 to attract money unexpectedly, and 520 741 8 to attract love. This means that you can use more than one Grabovoi number per day. 

  2. The combination of using the Manifest + Flow Journal along with these cheat codes as a part of my daily routine resulted in my manifestations coming to fruition rapidly. It was intense!! The combination of tapping into my subconscious mind (what the journal is supposed to do for you) and the cheat codes seem to be a particularly powerful combination to manifest. 

There are some Grabovoi Screenshots that you may find useful:

  • GRABOVOI CODE FOR LOVE – 888 412 1289018
  • GRABOVOI CODE FOR PEACE – 1001105010

Who is Grigori Grabovoi?

To understand the technique better, it is important to know a little more about the creator before we learn more about the technique itself. Grigori Grabovoi is a mathematician whose work combined the study of mathematics and self-development in order to create the famous method. 

In addition to being a highly intelligent individual, he is equipped with several techniques and he will surprise us with his knowledge in a variety of areas. The controversy he causes in certain areas can be traced to the fact that he believes it is possible to carry out various types of actions, which are now considered impossible, like abolishing death and raising the dead.

The Grabovoi method has, on the other hand, not been able to stop its acceptance and acceptance from growing in acceptance and popularity despite the rather strong opinions about him. In his opinion, it aims to bring all of the knowledge of the Lord to as many people as possible throughout the world through this technique. Therefore, there is a possibility of avoiding a global catastrophe, as well as the possibility to finally achieve harmony.

The Russian government viewed his teachings, in addition to being false, as a source of problems for the population and thus arrested him as a result of all his efforts. It was because of this that he was imprisoned for only two years – the initial sentence was for eleven years. The moment he left the building, however, he did not hesitate and he immediately went back to doing his work!

The Grabovoi Method

I believe that the Grabovoi method is, in fact, just a lie. Why then are there so many people who advocate his method and talk extensively about him? There are many people who are asking such questions, and they are curious about his method whether they like it or not.

As important as it is to remember, there is nothing supernatural or magical about Grabovoi, and there is not a magic formula that can solve all your problems through Grabovoi. It is therefore important to use your own senses and use logic when using Grabovoi. I would like to emphasize that this technique must be studied very carefully, as any other, in order to be able to achieve the desired results through it. 

Meanings and Benefits of the Grabovoi Codes and Numbers

Grabovoi found that every number in the Universe has a different meaning and power, based on studies that he conducted. There are a lot of vibrations associated with every number, the knowledge of which offers many benefits to people. Every number is associated with a different set of vibrations.

See the list:

  1. It is associated with the beginnings and the life on Earth, as well as the beginning of the universe.
  2. I believe that it connects with a type of force that moves us and provides action to the Universe in order to avoid being the same.
  3. This contact enhances our ability to reach out to the gods and, therefore, assists us in accomplishing our goals.
  4. In other words, it is related to humanity. This is one of the reasons why it is widely used in interpersonal relationships as well as in relationships involving individuals and the Universe itself.
  5. The connection that it has with self-love and the interior of each individual is very strong, and, in that sense, there is a certain link even with the ego.
  6. How would you describe the principles you lead a healthy life by? Its value, and it is what we identify with this number as ethical principles, philosophy, and values.
  7. Our concern in this case is the connection that exists between the soul and spirit of a person.
  8. There is a relation between everything in the world that exists and time, which is called the relationship of space and time. As a consequence, it can place the infinite at stake, showing that we need to exercise caution when it comes to safeguarding our future.
  9. Represents an opportunity for the creator to seek our help.
  10. Last but not least, we have the number zero, which denotes a point of transition, where preparation is essential.

The Grabovoi Codes List

Even though each of the numbers in isolation has its own meaning, when they are combined they possess a much greater power. In view of this, Grigori then created the Grabovoi codes, which refer to larger numbers, which, when utilized, provide a number of benefits to individuals in many ways.

The reader will find that Grigori offers to his readers a very large list of codes in the books he writes. In this way, they can select the ones that fit their needs best and finally be able to put them into practice. The important thing is that you don’t need to read all the books to get started. In order to help you participate in this activity, we have separated a list containing the main codes, so that you can also participate.

  1. Grabovoi Code for Self-healing of the body – 9187948181
  2. Grabovoi Code for Love – 888 412 1289018
  3. Grabovoi Code for Weight loss and health – 1891014
  4. Grabovoi Code for Fight against alcoholism – 14843292
  5. Grabovoi Code for Peace – 1001105010
  6. Grabovoi Code for Depression – 519 514 319891
  7. Grabovoi Code for Self esteem – 4818951749814
  8. Grabovoi Code for Unemployment – 318514517618
  9. Grabovoi Code for Rejuvenate – 2145432
  10. Grabovoi Code for Protection – 9187756981818
  11. Grabovoi Code for Universal harmonization – 14854232190
  12. Grabovoi Code for Environmental sustainability – 97318541218
  13. Grabovoi Code for Determination – 498518498
  14. Grabovoi Code for Chemical dependency – 5333353
  15. Grabovoi Code for Nicotine addiction – 1414551
  16. Grabovoi Code for Determination and focus for learning – 212585212
  17. Grabovoi Code for Entrepreneurship – 71974131981
  18. Grabovoi Code for Understanding – 39119488061

These are just a few examples, of course there are many others you can find on the internet. What would be the best option, in case you are interested in reading Grabovoi’s books in full, if you know how to do it? In addition to these codes, there are several others that can be of great assistance to you in many aspects of your life.

The best part about these codes is that they illuminate and facilitate the flow of information among the forces of the Universe in a way that ensures that everything runs as planned.

Grabovoi Numbers

PurposeGrabovoi Code
For relationship76147783
For success in education26151979
For success in life706485425
Academic success960745288
Good grades89941503
Love marriage46619615

What are the Grabovoi Codes for women’s love lives?

Then you have to admit that you are hooked!

The love you have for your partner is so strong that you would do anything for him. While you are naturally not in the mood to do anything foolishly irrational or impulsive for them, the urge to simply give them what they want is all-consuming and irresistible. The next time you encounter one of those women who are unable to win their men’s hearts no matter how hard they try, perhaps you should investigate the way Grabovoi codes for love and career. There are ways to help you achieve the goals that you have set for your relationship in such a way that both parties get what they want out of the relationship.

If You Meet Your Dream Man, What Do You Do?

There is no doubt that every woman has a dream man that she would like to marry. There may be a case in which you have met a great person, but he is not as outgoing as you had hoped he would be, or perhaps the two of you have decided that you would prefer more serious relationships to the short-term ones you are experiencing now. You can now give him exactly what he has been craving by using Grabovoi codes for romance as you do not want to compromise the long term aspect of your relationship.

The Work He Does For You Is As Follows:

It does not matter how many men you have dated throughout your lifetime. Isn’t it true that they have always been after your money when it comes to love. In the process of earning money, your man is dependent on the application of Grabovoi numbers. You don’t have to worry about that! I’m sure that you will appreciate the fact that he will not only work for you and for your career, but that he will become a true part of your team. Despite the fact that he is grateful for your interest and support in his career and livelihood, he is aware that this is the first person to answer when he gives you a call.

The way he flaunts your love is as follows:

Is it important to you that your guy showers you with gifts? If yes, Grabovoi codes can make the gift more memorable for you. The most common thing you can receive from your lover is a pair of cufflinks, or you can expect to be presented with an extravagant arrangement of flowers or roses. Alternatively, you might consider going out to dinner together. Whatever you decide to do, your partner is sure to be satisfied with your decision.

When He Expresses His Love, He Isn’t Afraid:

Not all men are comfortable with sharing their feelings when it comes to loving a woman. Even if you haven’t been in love for a very long time, it is important to keep looking for new opportunities. Grabovoi gives you the opportunity to make your new relationship a bit more exciting by providing you with their codes for love. The best thing you can do is to get him some Valentine’s Day flowers, or you can surprise him with a romantic evening out, instead of waiting until he reveals what’s on his heart. As soon as he feels that you are being honest and open with him, he will find it very difficult to keep his distance from you.

You are loved by him because:

In your opinion, does your man seem to be always in a rush to accomplish things at the last minute? There’s no doubt that grabovoi codes for love can help you progress in your love life at a faster pace. You might like to consider slipping that proposal off spontaneously on the spur of the moment instead of waiting to be proposed to by your lover. You don’t want to wait until the very end to make a man fall in love, so making him fall in love as quickly as possible is recommended.

Even though you are able to place several orders simultaneously, it would be beneficial if you avoided using more than three Grabovoi codes at a time. 

There are a number of ways that this technique could be used, as you can see from the examples above. There is therefore an important thing to do and that is to always do what truly gives you peace of mind and, at the end of the day, to wait for the results – always doing your part and having complete confidence in the eventual outcome!

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