How Do You Unfollow Someone on TikTok in 2022 (Bulk at Once)? admin September 14, 2022

How Do You Unfollow Someone on TikTok in 2022 (Bulk at Once)?

How do you unfollow someone on Tiktok? Most posts on TikTok are lighthearted fun, but some come from left field and are unfollowable? How do you unfollow someone on TikTok if that unfortunate situation arises? Here’s how to stop following a TikToker in 2022, via the iOS or Android app.

TikTok unfollows aren’t always because of controversies – the quality of the user’s content can decline, or following them could’ve been a mistake in the first place. Even though these situations may seem awkward, they occur all the time. Also, the person won’t receive a notification about losing a follower, so there shouldn’t be any drama.

how to unfollow on tiktok

  1. Install the TikTok app on your iOS or Android device.
  2. Click the profile icon at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Near the top of the page, click the “Following” button.
  4. Scroll through the list to find the user(s) you want to unfollow.
  5. To unfollow someone, tap the “Following” button next to their profile.

It is possible to follow users back if they choose the wrong option. Unfollowed profiles, however, will no longer appear in the list after leaving the screen.

Should two people make amends, it is also possible to search for any account and refollow it in the future. The new follower notification, however, is a dead giveaway if the user wasn’t aware that they had been unfollowed!

1. Open TikTok.

2. Visit the profile of the user you wish to follow.

On your “For You” page, tap their username or the icon with their avatar and a “+” sign to access their profile. Click on the magnifying glass icon on the bottom left and search for the user you want to follow.

3. Tap follow.

Whenever you follow someone, a message option will appear on their profile along with an icon of a person with a checkmark.

TikTok does not only allow you to unfollow someone, but to do so for many other users almost simultaneously.

This was not a feature that was intended by the company, but it has remained on the app as a way to unfollow accounts.

Step 1: Click On Your Profile Icon For Your Account

You can find it in the lower right corner of your screen, in the lower sidebar. From there, you can access your TikTok profile.

Step 2: Click On The People You Follow

You’ll see a list of all the people you follow. Take your time to decide who you want to say goodbye to on the page.

Step 3: Tap Unfollow

To unfollow a user, simply click on the “following” button.

You might have to wait a few seconds for your Internet connection to catch TikTok’s action because the app is a bit slow.

You will not be notified that you unfollowed another Tiktok account. In order to find out who did this, they must check each of their followers individually. While some may check all their followers, most won’t.

However, comments and the date of said comments will not be deleted and no tool will help you if you forget to do so.

Note: If you can’t delete a comment from TikTok videos, try to contact TikTok Support. They might be able to give you feedback to do so.

You should now know how to follow and unfollow a TikTok account. It’s possible to unfollow others on Tiktok, and the bulk unfollow feature is very handy! Sharing this article is a helpful way to support our page if you find it useful.